Sunday, October 18, 2009


Do Rather Than Talk
By: Leroy Brownlow copyright 1974



Don’t Just Talk!

All talk and no accomplishment makes one a swaggering breath waster.

It’s a shame the tongue doesn’t tire as easily as the limbs and back. What a disgrace for there to be more go in the tongue than there is in the feet.

Man is like a watch: what he says doesn’t amount to anything, if he never moves. A man’s action tells us of his insides and of how wound up he is - tells us more than what he says.

Let us act, therefore, to bring our deed in keeping with our words.

Proverbs 14:23, 26:16 and 13:4

Jay finds a book… or a book finds Jay:

Life has a way of surprising me in ways I could have never foreseen. I found a book in my home sometime in late September 2009 that I can not for the life of me explain where it came from. The name of the book is “Thoughts of Gold in Words of Silver”. The book has a 1974 copyright and was written by “Leroy Brownlow”. Not only did I find the book but somehow it kept getting in my way prior to my opening the book. What do I mean? It seemed like the book kept showing up no matter where I went in our home and I just did not see it. I mean to say that it was there but I was oblivious to why it was there. Finally, one day in late September, I saw the book that I did not see.

The book is a unique golden color and the title is written in silver ink. Once I saw this book I had not been able to see, I felt compelled to open the book. As I started skimming the book I noticed that in the top left corner of each page was a word. The words of wisdom in up to four or five paragraphs would be written below the page word. Finally, there were numbers listed below the paragraphs of written wisdom. I could not figure out what the numbers were about so I decided to read the forward. Turns out that there are 86 topics that Leroy Brownlow chose to use and support through his interpretation of “The Book of Proverbs”

Now for those who don’t know me well enough to know that I am a Christian, well now you do. I will leave my religious beliefs there for the time being.

“The Book of Proverbs” was written by Solomon. a man 0f great wisdom and intellect. There are 31 Proverbs and their wisdom continues to stand the test of time.

Jay’s Thoughts on Action:

We all do this from time to time… We talk about all the things that we plan to do. We talk about our intentions for our spiritual growth, our families, our jobs, our physical health, our finances and how we will deal with our expectations for each. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget that we are not measured by what we say, but by what we do. On my office wall are a number or reminders to keep me moving in the direction that I personally chose to go.

One of the most important duties that we embrace, are measuring our “RESULTS”. We should all desire to have objective job measurements so that we are able to know how our efforts compare to our objectives. The net of these is our RESULTS. Now when I dig down deep and ask myself should I be satisfied with anything less than a result of 100% I am testing my own resolve for slippage. I dig in my heels and accept that 100% is 100% and any thing less does not meet the standard and should be considered unacceptable.

The message is not to under promise and over perform. The challenge is to make a promise and perform to our highest standards. The more we demand of ourselves the more we achieve. So in the immortal words of Yoda to Luke Skywalker…"Luke there is not try, there is only do"!


I plan to send one of these word out each day for the next 86 working days. I hope that you will enjoy these insights and challenge me with you thoughts and comments.

This is Jay McJunkin signing off... Remember "if you think you can or think you can't... you are right"! Now go out and make something happen!!!

Very Respectfully,


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